Eleasa - get your electric service vehicle
Job bike was yesterday, business e-vehicle is today!
Leasing light e-bikes is even more straightforward than leasing an e-car. IncThere is a wide range of wipes available. Electricar has the German provider Eleasa with 95.75 in its issue 4/2023% rated as “Excellent”. This puts the company from Hanover in second place on the best list of e-bike leasing providers. In addition, Eleasa offers other vehicle categories with electric engines, which offers an attractive incentive for some interested parties.
Smart benefits for employees and employers.
For employees:
Would you like to buy an e-vehicle and use the company salary conversion at the same time? This is now possible! Thanks Eleasa you can purchase your company bike, company scooter or company scooter inexpensively.
Attractive e-mopeds, e-bikes and maneuverable e-scooters from Egret are available, which are also available from voylt im e-Shop offered. You can choose and pick up your new company bike from over 2,000 authorized and personally trained specialist dealers throughout Germany. Simple and digital!
Convince your employer to enable corporate micromobility for his company.
Eleasa sets up an employee portal where you can choose the vehicle you want. This is how it works for us:

For employer:
As a sustainable company, do you want to support your employees in their mobility? Eleasa will help you with this. With the service bike, the service scooter and the service scooter, you activate the best in your employees and bind them to your company. At the same time you increase the employer brand & position yourself on current topics such as green mobility and climate protection. Enable your employees to have sustainable mobility by leasing via salary conversion with savings of up to 35% compared to buying them individually. The employee does not receive part of his salary in cash, but rather as a benefit in kind. Thanks to tax incentives, no or only low taxes and social security contributions have to be paid on this benefit in kind. This creates a savings effect for both sides. Corporate micromobility has never been so easy!
Digital registration for companies
Digital registration for companies with 25 or more employees is here! Thanks to paperless registration, you can now become a customer within minutes and introduce smart employee benefits in your organization. You go through a simple registration process without much effort or bureaucracy.
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